Retirement You Can't Outlive
Retirement You Can't Outlive
Would you walk into the fight of your life without a weapon? If you’re planning for your retirement but don’t know how to create secure retirement savings that can provide income for life, you’re doing exactly that. Retirement You Can’t Outlive cuts through the hype, challenges the conventional wisdom of the stock jockeys, and focuses on conservative, reasonable, and sane ways that savers can approach the process of saving for retirement. Using plain language and a lot of common sense that’s been missing from financial planning sessions for decades, Retirement You Can’t Outlive helps you restore the dreams you once had of your retirement years being truly golden.
With no new, dependable source of income, retirees face fear every day: the fear that they will outlive what’s in their IRA, 401(k) and pension; the fear that Social Security won’t be there to help back them up and pay what they’re owed; the fear that rising prices on everyday staples will drain their savings more quickly than they expected. You should look forward to seeing your 92-year-old face in the mirror and not dread the thought of having to count pennies in order to afford groceries each week.
Learn the simple, flexible, affordable way to combat all of your postretirement financial concerns while turning your retirement savings into a dependable, guaranteed income that provides a consistent, meaningful postretirement benefit able to help you control your tax liabilities, limit risks, accommodate inflation, and pay for expenses, all while making sure you don't outlive your retirement savings.
This detailed, easy to read book will give both retirees and those closing in on their retirement years a fantastic basis for designing their future and controlling their income. Packed with simple yet effective information, Retirement You Can't Outlive provides you the education you need to make the best decisions for your retirement funds.