Using Psychology to Boost Your Sales
Psychology can be used in a lot of ways to help people live a better life. But can it be used to increase your sales potential? It sure can! Think about the best salesperson you have ever encountered. Chances are he had a way of getting into his prospect’s head and figuring out how to tweak his pitch to meet their every need -- and play on their wants all at the same time. That was sales psychology in action. This salesperson uses the basics of psychology to figure out how to best approach his customer and give them exactly what they want. Want to increase your sales by 20% … 30% … or more in the next two weeks? Learn to use psychology to your benefit.
Human nature depends on certain psychological processes to survive. It is a pattern of reaction to stimuli. One that, (if learned by the salesperson) can be used to encourage a prospect to buy whatever it is you are selling. If you have been in sales very long you know customers aren’t always logical when it comes to making buying decisions. Emotions play a key role in their decision. This is all part of the psychological process of the sale. First, the customer gauges the mental attitude of the salesperson; is he/she someone you trust and want to work with? Second, the salesperson must take into account the mental impression of the customer; what kind of customer are you dealing with? Someone who wants to buy, feels pushed to buy, is skeptical, overly trusting, etc. Once the salesperson and the customer both have gauged each other and figured out who they are dealing with, there are other steps to the psychological sequence of a sale the seller must be aware of in order to succeed:
-Grabbing the customer’s attention: if the customer’s attention is not targeted toward the product being displayed, no salesman is going to be able to talk him/her into buying. Therefore, the first goal of any salesperson is to draw the attention of the customer. This can be done with a demonstration, a quick pitch, an advertisement, or something else.
-Inducing Curiosity: this is a key to convincing a customer to buy a product. If they are not curious enough to begin asking questions about your product then they are not going to be interested enough to buy.
-Creating Desire: creating a desire within the customer to want and need the product or service being offered is vital to finishing the sale.
-Satisfying the customers’ needs: once you the salesman can pinpoint a customer’s physical or emotional need, you can use that knowledge to direct the sale.
-Moving the customer’s will: once you grab the customer’s attention, make them curious enough to want to know more about your product. Create a desire within them to want it and find ways to show how your product will satisfy their internal or external needs then it will be easier to move their will and convince them to buy.
Each of these steps is part of a psychological process every salesperson can use to boost their sales and increase their earning power.