Do You Have "It"?
Some people just seem to be born with the “it factor.” You know—personality, pizzazz, mojo. No matter what they touch, it turns to gold. People can’t seem to stay away from them and are compelled to follow their lead.
I struggled for years with the fact that I was one of those followers who just didn’t seem to have “it.” Then I began to wonder, is a person born with mojo, or can you develop it? The scientist in me decided to investigate. Boy, did I learn a few things!
People may be born with certain personality traits and be able to use those traits to advance themselves in life, but that doesn’t guarantee success. There are plenty of people out there who begin life with “it” only to fall behind the pack as adults. Why? Because they never learned how to develop their inner strength—this thing we call mojo Then I asked myself, if it’s possible for those born with mojo to fail because they never learn how to develop it properly, could those lacking mojo create it in their own lives? The answer is a resounding yes!
Whew! If this is true, it means ordinary people like you and me can develop the kind of personality, pizzazz and inner power necessary to do great things in life. Maybe our mothers were right after all and we can succeed beyond our wildest dreams. Of course now the question is how do we develop our inner power? I’ve been investigating that for a while now and I’m going to share all of my findings with you. There’s no secret here. Mojo isn’t something we either have or don’t have. Rather, it’s something we can develop and strengthen, then use to our benefit. Ready to take a crazy ride to find your mojo?