Are You Dependable?

Are You Dependable?

7 Tips for Self-Improvement

As a business owner I can tell you there is nothing more frustrating than working with someone you can’t depend on. The one thing I always strive to be is someone that people, customers, co-workers and coaching clients can always depend on. Here are some tips so that you can use to become more dependable.

Walk your Talk: When you say you’re going to do something; do it. Don’t make anyone follow up with you on the project you committed to. If a problem comes up and you can’t complete what you said you could, check in with the person and address it right away before the deadline.

Stay organized: In today’s environment we don’t have any excuse not to be organized with technology, apps on our phones, computers, and iPads we should always have organizational tools at our fingertips.

Be Punctual:

Make sure you and the work you do is on time.

Say No or Not Now:

If you don’t have time for a project don’t commit to it. If you can’t get it done exactly when proposed, see if you could turn it in later or suggest someone who would be a better fit for the project.

Show Commitment:

Team players care about the work they do and employers always need team players that are committed to the team.

Show Respect to Others and Their Time:

Don’t be selfish and just think of the things you need to get done. Once you are finished with a project that doesn’t give you a free pass to go BS. Be respectful to others and the things they need to get accomplished as well.

Lead by Example:

This is one of the most important things in any organization because after a while it begins to rub-off on teammates or it will turn them off enough to where they will get off the bus because the team isn’t important enough for them to change.

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